Affordable art prints & merchandise of Native New Zealand Birds in Hats by Josh Drummond. Quality products, worldwide shipping - buy whenever, but ideally now!
Belinda Diepenheim grew up in Wellington and worked as a horticulturalist in the Botanic Gardens and Otari Native Plant Museum. She dedicatedWaybread & Flaxto Janet Charman, who gifted me the collection as a Christmas present because she knows I love poetry and plants and have an elementary kn...
Second, considerable evidence exists that DoC’s aerial 1080 operations are doing serious harm, as one would expect, given that 1080 is toxic to all animals. It kills large numbers of native species of birds, invertebrates and bats. Moreover, most native species are completely unstudied. In ad...
Home to a huge collection of pretty birds, plants and animals that are native to New Zealand, the fantastic Kiwi Birdlife Park can be found right in the center of town. An oasis of peace and serenity, its gorgeous grounds and gardens are a treat to explore with interesting conservation show...
The Christchurch Foundation’s Tūī Corridor project is one example of how conferences can give back to greater Ōtautahi Christchurch by helping plant native tree seedlings to encourage native tūī birds back into the city. The Foundation works with event organisers to develop a bespoke legacy...
Dinah Hawken has long drawn my eye and heart to the world we inhabit, to the world of sea and bush and mountain, stones, leaves, water, birds. Reading one of her collections is like standing in the heart of the bush or next to the ocean’s ebb and flow. It is message and it is...
that nourishes the imagination of a million and a quarter Englishmen every Sunday morning.’ Lloyd George, an ardent anti-suffragist was about to move into this now shattered home so in effect the suffragists ‘killed two birds with one stone’ to put it rather crudely. After dipping further...
’” In 2012, Kelly, along with John Sheen, found the North Island’s first large-scale spoonbill colony at Pōrangahau estuary in Hawke’s Bay. Spoonbills flew over from Australia in the early 1900s, and were first spotted breeding here in 1949. The birds’ te reo name, kōtuku ngutu...
(and the book which accompanies it—Bellamy's 35th) is that New Zealand is the earth's last ark, floating along for thousands of years with its rare and beautiful plants, birds and animals still intact, then along come the raiders who wreak havoc on the land in just a few hundred ...
Do you think you can you discover: Atomic Energy, Zeppelin, Chuck Norris, Atlantis or even ‘Angry Birds’ ? Similar games include Doodle God, but please note that this is brand new, built from scratch, taking the concept directly from the old 80s ‘Alchemy’ and reinventing it in the pr...