有了这个签证, 再也不用“蹲移民监”就可以自由出入新西兰,毫无任何限制! 就在今天,新西兰PR申请迎来重大改变! 日前,新西兰移民局宣布: 今年1月29日开始,新西兰PR申请人可以使用移民在线(Immigration Online)系统,在线递交永久回头签申请!纸质申请成为历史! 掐指一算,这不就是今天了嘛~ 这三种情况都将可以在线申请!
“新西兰绿卡”、“新西兰PR”。 有了这个签证, 再也不用“蹲移民监” 就可以自由出入新西兰, 毫无任何限制! 现在,新西兰PR申请即将迎来重大改变! 就在不久前,新西兰移民局宣布: 今年1月底开始, 新西兰PR申请人将可以使用 移民在线(Immigration Online)系统, 在线递交永久回头签申请啦! 纸质申请成为历史! 掐指一...
中文官网:http://www.immigration.govt.nz/branch/chinahomepage/ 1.点击官网后选择“Apply for a visa”。 2. 填写签证类型及目的,出去玩一般就是Visitor visa,点击“VIEW VISA DETAILS & APPLY”。 3. 点击页面最下方“APPLY NOW”。 二、关于上传文件 官网上传文件相关规定: https://online.immigration.govt...
曾用名是指在户籍上可否改过名,没有就不要创造。Do you currently hold a student visa? NO,因为你们目前没有,所以才申请。Undergraduate是本科,你可以填 Diploma.Are you exempt from programme fees? 是免费,不是已交费。X-ray & General Medical Certificate,都要,但如果以前递交过,3年内不...
Our fully Licensed Immigration Advisers are qualified to handle all aspects of your immigration matters. We are here to make your dreams happen. We understand every person’s situations and goals are different, therefore we provide tailored advice to you
It may also be needed by individuals who are requesting an extension of their visa or seeking a visa variation. 03 The form is used to gather relevant information about the applicant's personal details, immigration history, education, employment, and intentions while in New Zealand. Video...
With 15 years of experience, Immigration Advice NZ Ltd (IANZL) is one of the biggest immigration agencies with the best reputation in NZ.
Complete our secure online visa application form and make payment. 2 Get the evisa letter to be delivered to your registered email within your requested processing time. 3 Download your evisa letter and show it to the Vietnam Immigration Officer to complete the entry into Vietnam. ...
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2024年3月,英国移民局宣布开放eVisa申请,以实现签证信息全面电子化。详情请参考移民局官方网站: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/online-immigration-status-evisa 以下,我们将详细分享申请英国eVisa的步骤指南(建议收藏并转发,以便帮助更多有此需求的人):