Exploring meaningful work in college students and career counsellors. Journal of Career Development, 44(6), 502—515. [4]Allen, J., C. Arnesen, J. Calmand, M. Frontini, J. Paul, M. Rostan, & R. Velden. (2...
Zhang XiliangDirector, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University; President, China Emissions Trading Association, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES) 国际经验:欧盟如何通过发挥市场的作用进行减碳 International Exp...
《公司法》要求成立公司需要至少两名股东,并签署成立契约。公司成立契约包含公司章程(The articles of association,简称AOA)。在公司章程中载明的公司的业务类型必须与印尼中央统计局发布的《印尼商业领域分类》(Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia,简称K...