Apple苹果 1个 [Vegetarian蛋素]西梅苹果玛芬的做法 一个容器里把斯佩尔特全麦粉,杏仁粉,泡打粉,苏打粉和肉桂粉混匀,放置一边。 另一个容器里加入油和枫糖打匀,逐步加入鸡蛋和香草精打匀。慢慢的翻入步骤1干粉混匀,不要过度搅拌。 均匀的分配在玛芬模具中。 把斐济果或苹果切小丁,西梅干去核切碎。 烤箱预...
Gluten-free scones – an updated recipe The quest for the perfect gluten-free scone is a long and arduous one, involving many failed attempts, chewy, rock-like, “shiny on my teeth texture”, very average recipes and general disappointment. Dear readers, I have endured these sacrifices for ...
如果在店里点的话可以要求light ice✅。 这杯的customized recipe没看到肉桂粉这个选项,但Apple brown sugar 糖浆里有😂,所以喝起来还是有一丢丢肉桂味,但加了奶盖真的能盖住这个怪味道😁,喜欢肉桂味的会喜欢! 最近爱喝的几款星巴克特饮就分享到这啦...