Greek Mythology>>Greek Gods>>Primordial Gods>>Sky Gods>> Nyx NYX Greek Name Νυξ Transliteration Nyx Roman Name Nox Translation Night (nyx, nyktos) Nyx goddess of night, Athenian black-figure lekythos C5th B.C.,Metropolitan Museum of Art ...
In Greek mythology, the muses are the goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. The number of muses is a subject of debate at times, but the most popular view is that there are nine: Calliope (epic poetry) Clio (history) Erato (lyric poetry) Euterpe (music) Melpomen...
they have a “ghostly” appearance. Indeed, the animals take their name from Roman mythology in which “lemures” were spirits of the restless dead.
Stanza 1: The poet first mentioned Helen, the most famous beauty in Greek mythology.Then Poe compared himself to Odysseus, who wandered for ten years over the sea to get home.As Odysseus, Edgar Allan Poe was persistent in his chasing after fine arts with the sincere belief that art or bea...
Minos was the King of Crete in Greek mythology, and the son of Zeus and Europa. Minos had an elaborate labyrinth built under the island that was designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus (who famously died trying to escape from the island by “flying” away). In the labyrinth...
Daedalus was a master craftsman of Greek mythology who was tasked with creating the Labyrinth on the island of Crete that was to house the Minotaur. After the Labyrinth was completed, King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus in a tower, so that he could not spread word of his work...