求助!关于nyu t..前几天收到nyu tandon研究生offer,但是没有给最晚答复时间。我一共投了10个学校,NYU是第一个录得,我想等等看还会来哪些,不想着急决定。我怕我太久不答复会产生什么变故,之前给邮箱发邮件也
NYU Tandon's long history of world-changing engineering Tandon School前身是New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering(纽约大学理工学院)。早在2008年,Tandon还是纽大的附属学院,2014年纽大收购当时的纽约理工。2015年,珊德里卡·坦登(Chandrika Tandon)是一名音乐家,同时也是纽约大学的董事,她和丈夫朗詹...
All admitted students will be granted a NYU Shanghai Doctoral Fellowship, which includes full-tuition scholarship and fees, international health insurance, travel funds, and an annual stipend that is equal to those provided to...
NYU Shanghai offers various opportunities for students to pursue advanced doctoral study and research culminating in the award of a PhD degree from New York University. These opportunities are made possible through unique collaborations wit...
Three semesters; admission for Fall semester only Tuition and Fees For the entire program: $28,...