l Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development l Tandon School of Engineering l ...
隶属于纽大工程学院(New York University Tandon School of Engineering),是一个融合了统计、计算机科学...
Institute of Fine Arts. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Rory Meyers College of Nursing. School of Professional Studies. Silver School of Social Work. Tandon School of Engineering. Umm I go...
Institute of Fine Arts. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Rory Meyers College of Nursing. School of Professional Studies. Silver School of Social Work. Tandon School of Engineering. Umm I go...
By:Shefali Sood, MD - MD/MPA Candidate, Department of Ophthalmology Innovation Lab A Segmentation-Free Approach for Point-Wise Visual Field Estimation from OCT Images By:Zhiqi Chen - PhD Candidate, Tandon School of Engineering Zoom recordings ...
最近自己也在纠结怎么选最后一门课……个人比较中意的是一门新开的课Advanced Practical Software Engineering,应该是一个Tandon新聘的adjunct professor,现在在Google做TPM,课程内容似乎是小组用Django做web app。有可能会选。 自己也是个很不愿意闲下来的人,因此选课总是选workload传说特别大的(感觉自己对自己好mean啊...
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected an NYU Tandon School of Engineering researcher who is developing better ways to assess vulnerability discovery tools – thus allowing cybersecurity professionals to better understand what techniques are most effective and ultimately leading...
NYU的CS是授课制,时长两年,隶属于Courant学院,School of Art and Science。可以说是以就业为导向,不过如果在就读过程中找到了符合自己兴趣的thesis study,也可以转为研究导向,甚至进一步读博。 课程介绍 首先介绍一下我比较熟悉的MSCS专业,我们专业要求修满36个学分,平均一个学期9个,一门课一般都是3个学分,也就...