Featured Courses Check out ourNew York City robotics campsfor more course and date options. View Camps Virtual Summer Camps Virtual Summer Camps feature small-group sessions led by expert instructors. Live teaching, cutting-edge curriculum, peer collaboration, and more!
Summer Session 1 courses: May 24 - July 1 (all classes in-person) Summer Session 2 courses: July 4 - August 12 (all classes online) There is also a9-weekSummer Chinese Language Immersion Program covering a year of Chinese studies in just ...
The cost of NYU Precollege can vary depending on the number of courses and credits a student registers for and whether or not they choose to live on campus in the summer. 纽约大学预科项目的费用会根据学生注册的课程数量和学分以及是否选择住校而有所不同。
官方网站: https://precollege.sps.columbia.edu/highschool/summer-immersion-new-york-city/courses/3-week 如果打算申请美国名校本科学习的同学,一定要把握住夏校机会! 识别二维码添加果酱客服关注果酱留学分享文章到朋友圈即可咨询果酱客服免费...
Summer Abroad这个项目可以让学生们通过 Global Site Summer Courses 来修读课程,获得学分。学术支持资源NYU 的 writing center 是 CAS 文理学院 EWP 项目的组成部分,主要为学生提供一对一写作指导的地方。每个学生一星期可预约一次 meeting,但必须提前一周完成预约;每个学生每个学期最多可约 6 次。虽然 writing ...
Enroll in non-credit courses or certificates. Spend one undergraduate semester in New York City through Spring at Tisch. Earn undergraduate credit through short-term courses during the summer or January Term. Earn graduate credit through select summer courses. Take an international approach to storyt...
美国大学的夏校,主要是针对高中生偏多,本科生一般是利用寒暑期,去上一些summer courses。比如NYU会有...
Courses for Non-Majors其他研究所課程 NYU 互動電子媒體 ITP課程介紹 在這裡面最知名的課程應該就是Interactive Telecommunications Program互動電子媒體課程(ITP)有獨立網頁,他是提供MPS學位,而且課程多數都是要寫程式,所以比較適合理工人(跟碼農)。如果只是對UI或UX有興趣,或只是單純對電子藝術有興趣,那…(快去學寫...
SUMMER: Required courses (6 credits): MSPP-GP.3100, Applied Policy Analysis MSPP-GP.3101, Policy and Data Studio 还有选修课程,可以去官网仔细查询下! 三、NYU MPP教职员团队 1)Katherine M. O'Regan Professor of Public Policy and Planning; ...
Code Issues Pull requests Programming in Python & Fundamentals of Software Development - Summer 2019 python git course course-materials anaconda pip software-development design-thinking ui-ux nyu nyu-stern Updated Dec 3, 2019 Python ppriyank / Prince-Set-UP Star 24 Code Issues Pull requests...