Classes in the buildings were canceled for the rest of the day. At the library, the outage also affected all digital services including catalog, electronic reservations, room reservation and other electronic resources. If power is restored, only the lower levels at the Bobst Library will reopen f...
Could you tell me my reservation number,please? 预订英文短语篇3 在这个对话框中,您可以决定是否将房间加入您的首选房间列表,以及系统是否应继续通过您未来的预订了解您的首选房间。 From this dialog, you can decide whether or not the room should be added to your preferredrooms list, and whether or n...
But I liked the idea of going someplace where we would need a reservation, so I said yes. 在这一部分中,您将扩展计算器样本来支持基于时间或预定的销毁。 In this section, you will extend the Calculator sample to support time-based or scheduleddestruction. 我可以预定你的车么? May I book your...