Stern曾如此解释对MBA学生的招生标准:“We are seeking students who best exemplify Stern’s core value: IQ+EQ. Our admission committee takes cares to select those who demonstrate strong intellectual ability, superior interpersonal skills, and a desire to create value for business and society.” 在IQ... 建议大家多听听学校的宣讲会,对学校有基础性了解。虽然是marketing events,但可以听出每个学校对自己的傲娇之处。 4. Curriculum Essay应包含这部分内... Essay应包含这部分内容,虽然不是最核心的connection,但不得不说Stern的确在课程上有无与伦比的资源,比如我最近关注的一位名为Damodaran的教授。同样感兴趣的同学可以了解...
上海纽约大学和纽约大学联合商科硕士项目的毕业证书由New York University(纽约大学)官方颁布,会标明同学在项目就读期间在Leonard N. Stern School of Business(纽约大学斯特恩商学院)和NYU Shanghai(上海纽约大学)就读,并获得理学硕士学位。毕业生可以...
format of the Fashion & Luxury MBA allows students to complete a full-time MBA in one year. Students graduate with a focus in fashion or luxury, or both, through core coursework and experiential learning projects, known as Stern Solutions, that are built into the 51-credit curriculum. ...
Stern商学院要求其中一门SAT科目考试为数学I或者数学II Tandon工程学院要求其中一门科目考试为文学或人文学科,一门为数学,一门为科学 Steinhardt和Tisch学院的申请者不要求提交标化分数,申请者可用试镜或作品集进行替代 课外活动 因为纽约大学的学院专业性很强,因此你要在课外活动中突出自己对相应领域的兴趣。如果你希望...
Stern本科商学院的学术介绍:沃顿本科商学院的学术介绍: Kevin_GDZM 不明何物 1 Master还是相当不错的...
Stern also emphasizes the global orientation of its student body and its curriculum. A third of the class comes from abroad, and Stern offers an International Business co major option for the many American students there who have some interest in working overseas. You don't need an international...
NYU Stern EMBA essay #1 Describe your short- and long-term career goals and how the NYU Stern Executive MBA program will help you accomplish them. One simple, straightforward, and effective way to structure this essay is to start with a recent achievement that reflects where you are in your...
The tuition for NYU Stern's MBA program is $84,180 per year. The total cost of the NYU Stern MBA program is $126,874 per year; this includes budgeted living expenses. How hard is it to get into NYU Stern's MBA program? What is the average GMAT score for admission to NYU Stern's...