NYU Stern25MBA招生揭晓! 📅 10月2日,NYU Stern商学院公布了Class of 2025的招生数据,让我们一起来看看这些令人关注的统计数据吧! 📈 申请数量:2025届的申请总数为3075份,相比2024届的3553份减少了约14%,而与2023届的3958份相比,下降了近1000份。 👥 班级规模:本届班级规模为327人,与2024届基本持平。Ad...
最后简单的介绍一下NYU Stern Tech MBA的情况,这个项目相对较新 (开设了将近5年所有的时间)。但是由于Tech行业发展迅猛,有很多人想通过MBA换行到Tech PM领域,所以这个项目也在蓬勃发展。因为开设Tech MBA目前只有NYU Stern 和Cornell Johnson,所以项目有变得更加competitive。整体的 Class profile 分数方面与NYU Stern ...
J:我先说一下Stern interview的policy,据我所知,就是有除了少数几个地理位置:中国大陆的,印度的candidates以外,其它的location都会要求candidates飞到到纽约来面试,这个对于经济和时间上的commitment的要求都挺高的,可能这也是考验大家对这个学校有多serious的一个方法。但是拿到interview以后,就我们所知的数据而言,好像70...
The Leonard N. Stern School of Business隶属于纽约大学,地处纽约曼哈顿。除了全日制MBA课程外,学校还提供兼职和高管MBA课程。Stern因其优越的地理位置,同数百家世界级的金融机构及企业有广泛的联系,使得Stern不仅在学术理论上成就非凡,商业实践方面也有杰出的优势。Stern致力于在包容性、多样性、归属感和公平性方面为所...
The tuition for NYU Stern's MBA program is $84,180 per year. The total cost of the NYU Stern MBA program is $126,874 per year; this includes budgeted living expenses. How hard is it to get into NYU Stern's MBA program? What is the average GMAT score for admission to NYU Stern's...
How Hard Is The GMAT™ Exam? December 11, 2024 the mba.com team The information on this page has been provided to us, by the university, school, or program. For the latest updated information, please visit the school or program site directly....
13. Global executive MBA Duke University - The Fuqua School of Business Canada 14. John Molson MBA - Full-time Concordia University - John Molson School of Business U.S.A. 15. MBA New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Busines...
New York University’s Stern School of Business (NYU Stern) MBA Class of 2026 profile is out, once again showing a high quality cohort. The new class earned an average GMAT score of 733, matching the school’s record high. They also showed their academic strengths with an average ...
NYU Stern MBA去年最火的一门课程叫做 “Introduction to Python”... 可我还是对C++情有独钟,一半是因为CS科班出身,一半是因为用C++写代码的确有点像是用文言文写公文,逼格满满,文采飞扬。 http://t.cn/R2GvZa...
是不能割裂的,个人能力和职业目标之间的 gap 就是读 MBA的原因。选择1~2个角度展现 Stern MBA 与...