A:教授都挺nice的,但是因为他们其实很忙(我的教授都是graduate school的),找他们的人很多,不止申...
Satisfying the New York University GPA requirements entails consistently achieving A’s and A-‘s in high school courses. For those aiming for programs like Tisch or Steinhardt, they can enhance their prospects by excelling in other areas of their application, such as presenting an impressive portf...
First Choice是School of Professional Studies的 Sports Management, 现在也就读于NYU本专业。
The School of Medicine is founded by sixeminent physicians and scientists, including the most famous American surgeonof the time, Valentine Mott. Students and professors from across the US andabroad came to observe his work in the operating ...
· School Live House乐队演出 · “北邮摇滚夜”音乐节 · 合肥玩石音乐节 欢迎戳小A加入 Chen老师学习小分队↘↘ 音乐超强助攻⚡ACG蝶音 ACG蝶音整合了国际顶尖的音乐教育家、音乐表演艺术家、国际国内高校核心师资,为高中生和大学生提供高...
If you are applying Early Decision I, you need to request letters of recommendation as soon as the school year starts, and you'll want to take the SAT or ACT early. If you're doing well academically in your senior year, the admissions staff at NYU will likely be making a decision befo...
2020-2021https://tisch.nyu.edu/admissions/tuition-fees Tisch school的碩士班學費約為一學期(18學分) 為32,963 所以一個學年是 32,963 * 2 總共 65,926美元。以1比33匯率算,一年修完36學分 需要 217萬台幣,還不包含住宿的費用喔! 2018-2019年,Tisch school的碩士班學費約為一學期$29,356(12-18學分...
https://tisch.nyu.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions 商学院Stern School of Business 商学院是纽大的王牌学院,它在经济,商业和管理等领域有着非常突出的学术成就。 拥有会计、税法、商业法、财务、管理及营销等各种细分的专业学科,为纽约金融中心造就许多人才。
· School Live House乐队演出 · “北邮摇滚夜”音乐节 · 合肥玩石音乐节 欢迎戳小A加入 Chen老师学习小分队↘↘ 音乐超强助攻⚡ACG蝶音 ACG蝶音整合了国际顶尖的音乐教育家、音乐表演艺术家、国际国内高校核心师资,为高中生和大学生提供高质量、国际化的音乐教育培训,整合国内外高端艺考资源,为音乐艺考生提供国内...
纽约大学媒体,文化与传播专业开设在Steinhardt School of Culture,Education, and Human Development 斯坦哈特文化,教育与人类发展学院下。纽约大学的传媒专业主要研究传播和新闻,实用性强,新闻学专业在美国排名Top6,该专业是跨学科专业有五个研究领域: 1.Global Communication and Media 全球传播与媒体 ...