11、华格纳公共服务学院 Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service 12、社会工作学院 Silver School of Social Work 13、帝势艺术学院Tisch School of the Arts 14、加勒廷特立化个人学习学院 Gallatin School of Individualized Study 15、护理学院 Rory Meyers College of Nursing 16、公共卫生国际学院 Sc...
UVa的麦金塔尔商学院 (McIntire School of Commerce)是美国赫赫有名的商学院之一。 它并不直接对大一新生开放,也就是说,无论是本土学生还是国际学生,都是不能在本科申请中申请该学院的。 学校要求学生先在Liberal Arts领域(基础性的先修课程)获取一定的先修课学分后,再进入到商学院学习。每年申请麦金塔尔商学院...
悉尼大学-Master of Commerce (Extension) 新南威尔士大学-Master of Commerce (Extension) concentration Global Sustainability and Social Impact 昆士兰大学-Master of Business (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) H同学 仲凯农业工程学院 生物科...
“chase dream”等等,找到往届申请者发的经验贴或者直接与他们交流,这里也会有很多同届申请的人抱团,...
1854 Tandon School of Engineering 1865 College of Dentistry 1886 Graduate School of Arts and Science 1890 Steinhardt School of Culture,Education, and Human Development 1900 Leonard N. Stern School of Business 1922 Institute of Fine Arts 1932 ...
Tate, CEO, Tamkeen; Raghu Sundaram, Dean, NYU Stern School of Business; Mariët Westermann, Vice Chancellor, NYU Abu Dhabi; Arlie Petters, Provost, NYU Abu Dhabi Back Row Left to Right: Rima Al Mokarrab, Trustee, NYU, and Chair, Tamkeen; Linda Mills, President, NYU Photo courtesy ...
About NYU School of Professional Studies NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) offers industry-focused education for career development. The Institute offers bachelor’s degrees and master's degrees on courses such as real estate, hotel and tourism management, sports management, finance, manage...
题主对于项目含金量的疑虑想必是受到SPS学院的影响,那我就先来说一说SPS(School of Professional ...
With the help of a three-year $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a team at NYU Tandon School of Engineering has kicked off its second phase of an ambitious research project that aims to transform navigation and accessibility for many of the 285 million people world...
NYU的整合营销学硕士项目隶属于纽大SPS学院,先来说一说纽大的SPS(School of Professional Studies)。很多想要硕士留学申请美国高校的同学应该都听说过此学院,正因为翻译过来的名字容易产生误解,再加上里面的项目会安排在晚上上课,大家就会和国内的“成人教育”,“夜校”等联想到,最后导致流传在外的名声褒少贬多,“水...