NYU Stern School of BusinessMedia & Privacy
Stern School of Business is located in the center of New York University’s main campus in Manhattan, New York. Along with its full-time MBA program, the school also offers part-time and Executive MBA options. Stern is widely recognized for its collaborative student community and emphasis on ...
NYU Class of 2028 恭喜四位学员ED阶段斩获纽约大学本科Offer+4 其中不乏一枚超难度Stern商学院 定制化直录方案助你圆梦名校! J学员 毕业学校:公办国际部 录取项目:Stern School of Business Stern School of Business 学院介绍: 纽约大学斯特恩商学院提供了一个全面的本科商业教育,强调深厚的商业和金融知识结合广泛的...
The Leonard N. Stern School of Business隶属于纽约大学,地处纽约曼哈顿。除了全日制MBA课程外,学校还提供兼职和高管MBA课程。Stern因其优越的地理位置,同数百家世界级的金融机构及企业有广泛的联系,使得Stern不仅在学术理论上成就非凡,商业实践方面也有杰出的优势。Stern致力于在包容性、多样性、归属感和公平性方面为所...
该学院对学生转入的学期选择以及可转学分有严格的要求,其中:Cinema Studies和Performance Studies只接受春季入学申请;以下专业只接受秋季入学申请 👇商学院Stern School of Business商学院是纽大的王牌学院,它在经济,商业和管理等领域有着非常突出的学术成就。拥有会计、税法、商业法、财务、管理及营销等各种细分的...
2. 斯特恩商学院(Leonard N. Stern School of Business):NYU的商学院是其最著名的学院之一,提供会计、税法、商业法、财务、管理及营销等专业学科,尤其以金融学最为优异。 3. 法学院(School of Law):被称为“美国超级法学院”,在税法和国际法领域全美领...
上海纽约大学和纽约大学联合商科硕士项目的毕业证书由New York University(纽约大学)官方颁布,会标明同学在项目就读期间在Leonard N. Stern School of Business(纽约大学斯特恩商学院)和NYU Shanghai(上海纽约大学)就读,并获得理学硕士学位。毕业生可以...
☆毕业证书由New York University(纽约大学)官方颁布,会标明同学在项目就读期间在Leonard N. Stern School of Business(纽约大学斯特恩商学院)和NYU Shanghai(上海纽约大学)就读,并获得理学硕士学位。 ☆可以国外学历学位认证。 ♥数据分析和商业计算(MSDABC) ...
Website : https://www.nyu.edu/ New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Business Henry Kaufman Management Center 44 West Fourth Street New York, NY 10012...
The Stern School of Business has a dedicated site for MBA tutoring. It is an all inclusive site which students who are in search of tutoring and who want to tutor can visit. The tutors are those who are in MBA1 or MBA2 and have scored A, A- or placed out of the course they are...