Gina 吴子鋆 Major:Public Relations 22‘ Minor:Psychology 添加小助手 进入梦校直通车大群! 回复Emerson 进“Emerson申请群” 在线找学长学姐~ 电影名 地区 Emerson 分享会 线上 年份 评分 北京时间:2021.10.24 9.9 主演 Emerson在校学姐 更多学校招生官、学联、社团, Panopath尚在不断Outreach中…… 本周还有更多...
并且无论哪一个SPS的major,所有的教授都是有许多年业内经验的。在SPS学院里面有C-level的教授,哈佛斯坦福耶鲁毕业的教授,在政府部门工作多年的教授,成功3次创业的教授,还有很多在Google L’Oréal ESPN等公司工作多年的教授,这样多样化高质量的师资是大家有目共睹的。同一个专业同一个concentration的人上同一节课...
NYU double major压力如何? @纽约土花猫: Double major看选的两个专业之间关联多少,如果像我是joint math econ其实还好,但如果是关联很小的专业可能需要上的课比较多,比如chem+history这样的组合,总体来说只要好好选课很少会出现延毕的情况。 专业就读体验 @: 我的专业很多人估计都没听过,叫Communicative Sciences ...
Professional Experience: Apple Music Artist Relations Intern, Tribeca Film Festival Programming Intern, The Tangent Agency Production Management Intern, Warner Bros. Discovery Campus Ambassador Anushka Dhar VP of Social Programming School & Year: Stern/Tisch 2026 Major: Film & TV and Business Favorite ...
目前美高打算申NYU的ED,目标专业是国际关系但此专业在NYU是honnor major只能在大二申,于是现在只能申un…
These levels generally correspond to semantically meaningful major parts. For example, a chair model is composed of a back, a seat, a leg and an armrest, and the symmetry hierarchies are consistent at the level of these parts across all chairs. 2. Data organization There are seven folders ...
Faith Hill was already a major country star, but the success of “Breathe” turned her into a mainstream pop star in her own right. The song, whichpeaked at #2on the charts in April 2000, was an enduring hit through the year, spending 53 weeks on the Billboard charts. Later that yea...
Faith Hill was already a major country star, but the success of “Breathe” turned her into a mainstream pop star in her own right. The song, whichpeaked at #2on the charts in April 2000, was an enduring hit through the year, spending 53 weeks on the Billboard charts. Later that yea...