网址: Summer Program in ...
说说我在nyu的活动 这可能是为什么nyu录我的原因 因为很早就喜欢这个学校 十年级去过nyu来我们这里的workshop留了个名字 混个眼熟 十一年级结束去了nyu的summer program 我的counselor一直让我频繁跟他们admission联系着 但是我很懒就什么都没干 如果跟我一样标化成绩不高 那就文书来凑 我的why nyu文书 我感觉可...
Virtual Summer Camps feature small-group sessions led by expert instructors. Live teaching, cutting-edge curriculum, peer collaboration, and more! View Virtual Camps Online Academies Created with prestigious universities, companies, and organizations, our Online Academies are designed to give students a ...
In the summer between the first and second years, students are strongly encouraged to gain professional exposure by completing an internship in their post-MBA target industry. Upon entering the program, first-year students are divided into six blocks of 60 to 70 people each; each block takes ...
The School of Law is established that sameyear. A half century later, it became one of the first law schools in thenation to admit women. 华盛顿广场大学大楼的立体图,19世纪后期。图片来源:美国国会图书馆版画与摄影部 同年,法学院成立。半个...
NYU Summer Institute in Taxation - Tax Structuring for Cross-Border In...Steven D. Bortnick
Law Seminar 此外Yale Summer Session还特别设置了Law Seminar。在这个6周的紧张项目中,参与者将对于美国...
Law Seminar 此外Yale Summer Session还特别设置了Law Seminar。在这个6周的紧张项目中,参与者将对于美国...