publicip - Package publicip returns your public facing IPv4 address (internet egress). quic-go - An implementation of the QUIC protocol in pure Go. raw - Package raw enables reading and writing data at the device driver level for a network interface. sftp - Package sftp implements the SSH ...
a professor in the NYU School of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering, are "working on the design scalable techniques to address the shortcomings of traditional search engines for specific information needs," according to a press release. "Their research aims to ma...
Before the SSL VPN deployment, NYU-Poly's IT department would have to "punch holes in its firewall" each time users required access. This was particularly burdensome for the school, which experiences turnover in its user base every semester as students enroll and graduate...
CUSP is an applied science research institute created by New York University and NYU-Poly with a consortium of world-class universities and the foremost international technology companies to address the needs of cities. At the heart of its academic program, CUSP will investig...
要用html做prototype,有一個jQuery的library叫做polypage,可以達成一些動態更換頁面的狀態 實例: (假的,要寫後端程式才能動。有人問為什麼不直接寫JQuery?也許用polypage的函式會比較快吧。) polypage的完整說明 ...
publicip - Package publicip returns your public facing IPv4 address (internet egress). quic-go - An implementation of the QUIC protocol in pure Go. raw - Package raw enables reading and writing data at the device driver level for a network interface. sftp - Package sftp implements the SSH ...