纽约大学(NYU)政治Politics课程辅导/政治课程设置 热烈欢迎来到纽约大学威尔夫家族政治系。我们是一个蓬勃发展的知识分子社区,致力于对政治现象进行系统分析。该系拥有近 40 名教职员工,涵盖政治学领域的研究前沿。我们为超过 550 名就读于两个本科专业(政治和国际关系)的学生提供服务,使我们成为文理学院最大的本科课程...
Politics is not a dirty word! You just need to learn how to play good politics and keep out bad politics. By the same logic, power by itself does not necessarily corrupt though absolute power may corrupt absolutely. In other words, this course is about how to conquer the world, or at ...
·技术与社会(Technology and Society) ·媒体产业与政治(Media Industries and Politics) ·视觉文化与声音研究(Visual Culture and Sound Studies) ·互动体验(Interaction and Experience) 研究这五大领域对申请该项目非常重要,因为学校希望在PS中体现申请者教育和职业背景中与该项目和这五大领域的关联性。本次捷报的...
😵 POL-UA 850:Introduction to Research Methods in Politics 这门课的难度一点也不比名字简单。虽然是introduction级别的课程,但内容相当复杂,相当于中介课程。如果你是政治学院的学生,这门课还是必修课,就算你没有coding背景也得学。教授也很让人无语……难度:🌟🌟🌟🌟 😵 CORE-UA 500:Cultures & Co...
🎥 Media Industries and Politics 🎥 探讨媒体和信息产业的政治经济学、治理以及如何利用媒体塑造和动员公众意见、社会运动和选举政治。 🎨 Visual Culture and Sound Studies 🎨 关注视觉和声音媒体如何塑造线上和线下的日常生活,尤其是通过政治和权力。 🤔 Interaction and Experience 🤔 研究在不同社会、文...
我作为Graduate Editor参加了NYU Journal of International Law & Politics,主要的工作包括两个方面,一是对已经决定发表的文章进行编辑,例如审阅引用文献是否正确、调整脚注的格式;二是可以自己尝试撰写一篇文章发表在该期刊,这是一个很有挑战但也非常有收获的工作。
), epistemology (What, if anything, can be known and how?), logic (What are the principles of correct reasoning?), and ethics (What is moral value? And what moral values should we adopt?). Other areas address questions concerning the...
internationally known anduniquely strong in the history of left politics, labor, and social protestmovements. Bobst Library also contains the Avery Fisher Center for Music andMedia; specialized services to assist students and faculty with digital...
politics - success advantages only one party; failure is a political win for only the other party. TheACA will penalize many low-and moderate-income taxpayers who choose to marry, and Premiumsupport would provide b...
It is particularly interested in studies that focus on such issues as the process and development of the European Union, shifting political alliances, military arrangements, the impact of immigration on European societies and politics, and the emergence of ethno-nationalism within the boundaries of ...