帝国理工学院 The London School of Economics and Political Science 伦敦政治经济学院 University College London 伦敦大学学院 University of Toronto 多伦多大学 University of British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚大学 The University of Hong Kon...
STEM认证:作为STEM项目,本硕士课程融合了量化分析、经济学原理与工程技术,致力于培养具备高度竞争力的复合型人才。 学院归属:亨利·萨缪利工程学院与应用科学学院(Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science),以其卓越的...
历年来,我们也有多位被纽大录取的孩子: 1)张同学,美高(IL),GPA3.9,无托福,SAT1450,无AP,录取到NYU的Political Science专业 2)管同学,上海尚德实验学校,GPA3.9,SAT1560,无AP,录取到NYU的Engineering专业 3)夏同学,上海文淇汇点学校,GPA4.1,托福105,无SAT,无AP,录取到NYU的Undecided专业 4)郭同学,加拿大高中,GP...
Communication Processes: Gender,Race/Cultural Id Communication/Political Propaganda Consumer Culture and Media Consumption Contemporary Theory and Research/Globalization Critical Video: Theory & Practice Culture and Media in Urban China Decolonizing Media Digital and Computational Media Workshop Digital Media: D...
“Ariana’s strong intellectual abilities as a student are matched by her commitment to engagement and service,” said Assistant Professor of Practice in Political Science Ivan Rasmussen. “I have been impressed with her work in our course on U.S.-China relations as she challenges conventional ...
案例分享(3): 指导人员:学您文科部 学位类别:美研 申请offer:纽大,社会工作学,Master of Science in Social Work 毕业大学:南昌工学院 背景专业:社会工作 学生成绩:TOEFL93,GRE317,绩点3.21 特点总结:一篇国内教授的推荐,大三上学期UIUC大学交流2个月。
● Slide lecture on NYU Classes ● Readings o Karl Marx, Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859) o Karl Marx, excerpts from “The German Ideology,” Part 1, A, “First Premises of Materialist Method” and 3. “Production and Intercourse: Division of Labour ...
这给我了动力,也让我下定决心前往international relationship/political science的领域发展。 同时在项目过程中发现我对自己能力的预估和真实情况差距太大。这让我产生了强烈的落差感和无力感,也让意识到自己身上的一些问题比如overconfident。巴西调研项目带给我许多想法和反思,也让我看到了平时不易发现的自身的短板。
and China Global TV Network. She has also published her work in peer-reviewed journals such as Telecommunications Policy and The China Quarterly. In 2021, Jing is recognized as a Pujiang Talent by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal government. In her class, Understanding ...
本科专业:Political Science+Economics (双专业) 辅修Minor:应用数学Applied Mathematics GPA: 3.94/4.0 托福:119(30+30+29+30) GRE: 160+170+4.0 下面就跟随小美来看下她的申请之路... 从北野山中学到纽约大学阿布扎比分校(NYU Abu Dhabi)本科全奖,再到纽约大学政治学博士全奖 ...