Students entering with a bachelor’s in computer science or with a bachelor’s in a technical area and a strong minor in computer science should be able to satisfy entrance requirements for the master’s degree program. Generally, entering students are expected to know mathematics through calculus...
至于离散数学 课程名Discrete Math 感觉比CAS的那些CORE Requirements简单很多,差不多是水课吧hhh (虽然是专业毕业要求) 关于申请提交的成绩:我是大二申请的转学,NYU对于已经在大学上了一个学年的申请者不要求SAT/ACT成绩,所以我也没有交。国际学生需要交语言成绩,我交的托福 总分106 (听29说26读23写28)。GPA是...
NYU medical school acceptance rate : Requirements, tuition, International students. NYU is among the top ten medical schools with the lowest acceptance rate sitting behind Howard University Med school, Geffen Med School, and Mayo Clinic School of Medicin