纽约大学(NYU)音乐业务Music Business课程辅导/音乐业务课程设置 获得成为当今全球音乐市场领导者所需的知识。我们的课程结合了纽约市无与伦比的艺术资源和严谨的跨学科课程——你将在纽约大学斯特恩商学院学习商业课程。与行业领导者一起学习并学习必要的技能以茁壮成长。 与世界音乐商业之都的行业领导者合作,接受扎实的...
我去仔细了解了一下nyu的music business,托尼也太厉害了吧。。这个专业还要跟stern学一样的课,又要学音乐相关的知识,还要学文科比如writing,arts and humanities。。。在此同时还需要完成300小时的interships在相关的音乐娱乐公司不得不说托尼真的很有野心,VME也许就是他想要创造的小王国吧 û收...
The best music business degree program are: Berklee College of Music Los Angeles College of Music New York University University of California, Los Angeles Full Sail University Belmont University Syracuse University There are a number of highly reputable options I’ve listed above, and as we go on...
The first module in the Billboard and NYU partnership educational program, Music Industry Essentials, will open later in June.
A. No, we have students in the Music Business graduate program with a very wide range of undergraduate degrees, from music to business, liberal arts to engineering. IELTS 7+ TOEFL 100+ 申请材料: Résumé/CV; Music Business Essay 1000-word essay; Personal Data Outline; 2 Letters of Recommend...
2022 NYU Music Business专业!RD录取的,感觉难度还可以。录的人是挺少的,每年中国五个人左右,好好...
我始终觉得Music Business翻译成音乐商务比较合适,区别于艺术管理专业,学习的是艺术圈非营利组织,音乐...
我这学期有一节课是music business,然后第一节课老师就让每一个同学唱自己最喜欢的歌,当时正好是格莱美过去不久..然后我就长了A妹的thank u next(我也很喜欢碧梨!只是觉得A妹应该得奖!)然后我本来唱了几句打算结束,结果旁边的黑哥哥突然thank u然后指向我 我只好尴尬的唱next 我们这样唱了几次全班都在大笑,真...
2. Green. Everything's going crazy on set. From the high still does mother. Everyone I'm going to the orientation of my program music business. I folded the waste of my genius. So it could you know create this Hill and the chick kinda vibe this black top? It shows of a little bi...
Billboard has partnered with the NYU Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music to launch a unique educational program titled Music Industry Essentials that will exist in a digital format and provide comprehensive insight on a bevy of subsects in the music