NYU Langone Medical Center, a world-class, patient-centered, integrated, academic medical center, is one of the nations premier centers for excellence in clinical care, biomedical research and medical education. Located in the heart of Manhattan, NYU Langone is composed of four hospitals Tisch Hosp...
Lauren Seidman, a second-year medical student at NYU Langone’s Grossman School of Medicine, provided perspective on a poster at AAN 2024 highlighting the use of binocular visual function testing in Alzheimer disease. Brain Awareness Month and The Importance of Recognizing Brain-Related Injuries ...
朗格尼医院简介和优势 纽约大学朗格尼医学中心(NYU Langone Medical Center),位于纽约曼哈顿,是美国著名的医学中心。它不仅仅是一家看病医院,更是一个汇聚先进医疗技术的中心,始终跻身全美最佳医院之列。我们来看看它另人影响深刻的全美医院排名吧(来源美国US NEWS 2024-2025医院年度榜单) l 神经病学和神经外科排名第...
2008年,纽约大学医学中心NYU Medical Center 改名为NYU Elaine A. 与Kenneth G. Langone 医学中心NYU Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center,以致敬Langone夫妇,他们通过信托理事会向该机构捐赠了2亿美元,是该院接收的最大额捐款。2017年,纽约兰贡医学中心改名为纽约兰贡健康。 2008年,房地产商和慈善...
NYU Langone Medical Center is a premier center for patient care, medical education, and research located in New York City. Affiliated with New York University, it is renowned for providing outstanding healthcare services across a wide range of medical disciplines. The medical center includes several...
2008 年,纽约大学医学中心(该机构当时的名称)更名为NYU Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone 医学中心,以纪念其董事会主席及其妻子,他们的无限制捐赠总额为 2 亿美元这是该机构历史上最大的一笔捐款。2017年,纽约大学朗格医学中心(NYU Langone Medical Center)更名为纽约大学朗格健康中心(NYU Langone Health)。
Medical Center成立于1841年,位于纽约州的纽约地区,是一所集科研、教学和临床于一体的纽约地区排名第二的大型综合性医院。纽约Langone医学中心是纽约的学术性医学中心,属于纽约大学的附属医院。中心近年再次入选美国新闻与世界报道杂志2013-2014年度最佳医院排行。医学中心由纽约大学医学院及3家医院组成:Tisch医院,Rusk康复...
NYU Langone Health is a world-class, patient-centered, integrated academic medical center, known for its excellence in clinical care, research, and education. Located in the heart of Manhattan, with additional facilities throughout the New York City area, NYU Langone consists of six inpatient loca...
At NYU Langone Health, an academic medical center located in New York City, Tableau plays a key role in providing platform support for the institution’s larger mission of promoting a data-driven culture that empowers every person to make decisions that support the business an...
The center will be renamed the NYU Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center, in honor of the chairman and his wife. The combined amount is the largest gift the medical center has ever received. Langone put no restrictions on the gift, which will be used to help pay for a ...