Thus, the MBA responds to the real needs of the business world. Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in MBA Part Time Master in Business Administration (MBA), where students are expected to achieve solid and practical knowledge at an advanced level in the following fields: management and organization, ...
😲 据说NYU Stern的申请难度比藤校还要高,这位幸运儿简直是神仙运气!🤩 这位学长来自UCI,专业是经济,GPA只有2.9。但凭借出色的实习经历、推荐信和GRE成绩,他成功逆袭,拿到了NYU Stern MBA的offer!🎓 NYU MBA项目分为Full Time和Part Time两种。Full Time的课程包括金融、财务会计、统计与数据分析、公司与市场、...
可能刚才不够详细,具体讲了自己的工作,也顺势提到了为什么MBA,why Stern的原因。后来才意识讲的太多了,把之后要讲的话都讲完了。 第三个问题:可能是因为我提到了被Stern吸引的原因之一是他们的campus recruiting,她开始向我介绍part time的career resource,并指出和full time学生是不一样的。其实我早就知道了,但...
NYU Stern MSBA 面经 [2020.03.22] 背景:GPA 3.6 托福 102 项目介绍:Stern 商学院下的 1 年制 part-time program,非 STEM 要求至少 5 年工作经验,不要 GMAT,更多具体信息学校官网上有。 面试问题主要包括: 描述最近一份的工作? Career goal. Why this program? What can you contribute to the program/co...
The Association of Hispanic and Black Business Students is an affinity club for full and part-time MBA students at New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business. For over 30 years, AHBBS has been the leader in promoting diversity and inclusion at NYU Stern and within the Greater ...
NYU Stern MBA specializations NYU (Stern) has 27 different specializations as part of its full-time MBA program. Students graduate with an MBA in General Management with up to three—or zero—specializations. The options include: Accounting Banking Brand Management Business Analytics Corporate Finance...
Part-time MBA Tech - MBA MS in Accounting MS in Data Analytics ... 五、优势项目解读 【哥伦比亚大学】 MS学位下设三个专业: ①Masters of Science in Accounting and Fundamental Analysis 申请开放日期:8月1日 申请截止日期:2019年1月22日 申请...
然后我们不论是MBA毕业的同学还是third本科生毕业的同学都觉得很亲切,然后不论是本科毕业的学生还是part-Time的同学都会导致我们在金融这个行业校友会特别多。今天我们刚好是参加了private equity的conference , 也是在NYU举办的,就有很多alumni回来,参加这个conference。另外有很多的invited speaker也是我们NYU的。直接概括...
New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Business Economics (TOP 200) U.S.A. 15.MBA New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Business MBA full time (TOP 275) U.S.A. 20.Part Time MBA Manhatan New York University (NYU) MBA part time (TOP 70)...
纽约大学(New York University),简称NYU,成立于1831年,位于纽约市中心,地理位置和学校声誉都非常好。全美综合排名第30位,2019年THE世界大学排名第27位。 NYU Stern商学院全美第12名,但是,Stern下开设的硕士专业除了MBA,就只有会计、商业分析、国际金融和风险管理,均要求5!年!工作经验,且申请难度极大。所以,对于大部...