至於學習一學期大家都是修16-18學分 課程表比其他學校會鬆很多 像我下學期週五就沒課 也有人把所有課都排到兩天我校文科社科比較好 很多課程設置都很注重liberal studies基本是readingreading paperpaper core courses裡的文科課還不准用ap什麼的換分 cas內部double major很常見 各種minor也很有意思 基本沒有太多...
Her GPA has always remained above 4.0. She has taken 7 AP courses and has an IELTS of 7.5. At present, they have received offers from prestigious schools such as NYU and University of Toronto in Canada, and finally they ...
Liberal Studies主张多元化,最特别的地方就在于,学生可以在大一就选择前往全球各地交换。而从属于Liberal Studies的GLS(Global Liberal Studies)强制要求学生在junior year交换。所以说,真心想四处交换或者在why NYU文书中表达出强烈意愿的NYU申请生会大概率被分配到Liberal Studies(前提是选择CAS,且在申请界面中勾选考虑Lib...
它的全称是 Liberal Studies,属于NYU文理教育体系之下。这个项目长度时长两年,主要的学习内容都是和文理...
1972 Liberal Studies 2006 Institute for the Study of the AncientWorld 2010 NYU Abu Dhabi 2012 School of Global Public Health 2013 NYU Shanghai Alumni: 校友: More than 500,000 from the United Statesand 183 foreign countries 来自美国和183...
UCR: Liberal Studies Major includes a core of lower-division courses designed to provide students with broad subject matter coverage to give them the foundation needed to pass the CSET and enable them to be well prepared to teach. The five upper-division tracks allow students to build upon the...
NYU Shanghai expects undergraduate students to spend the first two years on core courses and to select an academic specialization for deeper study and research in their third and fourth years. Students may pursue19 different majorsin the arts and sciences, business and finance, engineering, data ...
Taking two courses fully in Spanish was definitely challenging, but so different from what I was used to back then. Even if sometimes I didn't understand half of the things the professor was talking about, it helped me step out of my comfort zone and really use other skills to make out...
There were many opportunities for students to meet with faculty, do research studies under the guidance of professors, and even grade homeworks of other undergraduate math courses as a help to the professors. The courses and experiences I had at NYU positively impacted my undergraduate education, ...
This paper demonstrates how methodologies of liberal education can be used to enhance an undergraduate engineering education. In a 2-credit introduction to Science and Technology Studies course at New York University's Tandon School of E... C Leslie,L Anderberg 被引量: 1发表: 2016年 The Relatio...