A multi-phased renovation and addition focused on public spaces and critical infrastructure transformed the experience of visiting and working in the…
分别是:Tisch 医院(Tisch Hospital),Kimmel馆(Kimmel Pavilion),纽约大学朗格尼骨科医院(NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital),哈森菲尔德儿童医院(Hassenfeld Children's Hospital),纽约大学朗格
1989年,大学医院改名为Tisch 医院Tisch Hospital ,以向纽约大学的资助人Laurence A.和Preston Robert Tisch及家族致意。 2008年,纽约大学医学中心NYU Medical Center 改名为NYU Elaine A. 与Kenneth G. Langone 医学中心NYU Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center,以致敬Langone夫妇,他们通过信托理事会向...
Located in the heart of Manhattan, with additional facilities throughout the New York City area, NYU Langone consists of six inpatient locations: Tisch Hospital, its acute-care facility Kimmel Pavilion, its newly opened, state-of-the-art healthcare facility ...
Key Specialties优势专业:癌症、心脏内外科、老年医学、神经内外科、整形外科、康复医学、风湿病学Tisch医院以急症治疗为主的专科医院,拥有705张床位,每年为37,000名患者提供服务。NYU langone医疗中心的Rusk康复医学中心,是世界首家,也是全世界最大的专科医院。中心拥有全美先进的肌肉骨关节中心(Hospital for...
it is renowned for providing outstanding healthcare services across a wide range of medical disciplines. The medical center includes several key facilities such as Tisch Hospital, its flagship acute care facility; Rusk Rehabilitation, which has been repeatedly ranked as one of the top rehabilitation ...
NYU Langone operates in more than 320 locations around the New York region and in Florida. It comprises Tisch Hospital, Kimmel Pavilion, NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital, Hassenfeld Children's Hospital, NYU Langone Hospital‒Brooklyn, and NYU Langone Hospital‒Long Island, along...
a comprehensive pediatric hospital supporting a full array of children's health services across the Medical Center. Also part of NYU Langone isNYU School of Medicine, which since 1841 has trained thousands of physicians and scientists who have helped to shape...
The School of Medicine is founded by sixeminent physicians and scientists, including the most famous American surgeonof the time, Valentine Mott. Students and professors from across the US andabroad came to observe his work in the operating ...
Checking in on NYU Langone's massive Kips Bay expansion The NYU Langone Medical Center is in the midst of a massive expansion at its main campus in Kips Bay. Here we take you to buildings — Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Pavilion, next to its flagship Tisch Hospital, and the Science ...