Women Program Sophomore Internship 这些项目一般为期1~3天,可能会以投行业务模拟、Technical Skills培训、Networking的形式进行,同时还有和投行内部员工交流的机会。 招聘时对于金融专业知识考察的也很少,不比大三申请季,极有可能会遭到面试官各种高难度technical questions的炮轰。 大一大二项目对女生和LGBT极其友好!
现在的学习比我高中时想象中的商学院生活累得多,每天压力很大,schedule满满当当,五颜六色,甚至感到比申请季还要辛苦。 Stern的GPA很难拿,peer pressure也很大,同学们课后不是在做internship就是在找internship,不是在club就是在networking。 但是相较于Stern的General in Business项目,同学们上课聚到一起,下课又各走...
我会发现比如说以前是non-trade的同学,跟金融完全没有相关的背景,但是因为这个同学非常擅长与人交往,在这个conversation的过程中能够非常好的engage对方,所以她就通过这个拿到很多interview,最后通过拿到summer internship offer。我觉得完全没有金融背景转到banking或是sales &training的这个成功率还是蛮大的。我觉得跟我观察...
NYU Stern School of Business registers classes last. For my first semester, I took classes that freshmen commonly take, which are mostly core classes. I enrolled in classes in writing, math, and history. In fact, Stern students do not take their first ...
Students interested in an unpaid internship program need to pass the test by the Department of Labor. Eligible interns are offered an educational environment by the interning company and a certificate of accomplishment at the end of the program. ...