NYU的公共卫生项目(MPH)开设在公共卫生学院(GPH - Global Public Health)下,而NYU的公共卫生学院则...
要求第三年必须在NYU的global campuses中学习一年(选择很多,有Florence, Tel Aviv,Paris,Buenos Aires,...
The Silver School of Social Work provides arich environment for the education of professional social workers, offeringprograms at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral level. The School alsoserves as a major postgraduate training center for...
Liberal Studies Core的advisor会帮助大家进行转专业的流程,以及专业选择的建议,作为一名大二学生,同学们会在第二学年的春季学期declare一个major,而后在大三阶段顺利开始后两年的学习。 学院选择 那么转专业是否会有限制?作为一所以专业和课程的多样性出名的高校,NYU为Liberal Studies Core项目的同学提供了广泛的选择。
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) create a major global health burden in the US and worldwide, with the World Health Organization (WHO)reportingthat CVDs are the leading cause of death globally, killing 17.9 million people per year. WHO notes that access to healthcare interve...
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3) 公共卫生的生物统计学 2、部分选修课程: GPH-GU 2355 Analysis of Epidemiologic Data Using SAS (3) 使用SAS的流行病学数据分析 GPH-GU 5380 Data-Driven Decision-Making in Global Public Health (3) ...
Gio supports all the major platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and WebAssembly. go-astilectron - Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by Electron). go-gtk - Go bindings for GTK. go-sciter - Go bindings for Sciter: the Embeddable ...
NYU is notoriously expensive; its tuition and fees are among the highest in the U.S. Plus, New York City is one of the most expensive cities in the country, a major driver of housing and meal prices for students. One of the reasons that tuition at NYU is so high is that operating ...
Major includes a core of lower-division courses designed to provide students with broad subject matter coverage to give them the foundation needed to pass the CSET and enable them to be well prepared to teach. The five upper-division tracks allow students to build upon their strengths and inte...
With a nursing major, it is oftentimes very difficult to study abroad for an entire semester. Most universities I applied to during my senior year of high school merely gave me a few weeks or a summer term at best to study abroad. NYU provided that opportunity for me, and while I had...