format of the Fashion & Luxury MBA allows students to complete a full-time MBA in one year. Students graduate with a focus in fashion or luxury, or both, through core coursework and experiential learning projects, known as Stern Solutions, that are built into the 51-credit curriculum. ...
从项目设置来看,除了传统的两年制MBA,Stern同时为具有特定行业志向的申请人提供一年制Tech MBA、一年制Fashion& Luxury MBA以及若干双学位选择。这里我们将着重探讨两年制MBA的文书写作,但是分析思路亦可为申请Stern其他项目的申请人提供参考。 今年的重要申请截至日期为10月15日(第一轮),11月15日(第二轮)和1月15日(...
NYU is the abbreviated name for New York University. It was established in 1831, and is one of America’s biggest privately owned universities. The curriculum has the reputation of being ‘not high pressure, but demanding’. As one of the world’s best scholarly institutions, NYU has produced...