纽约大学创意写作Creative Writing 欢迎来到纽约大学创意写作计划。三十多年来,创意写作计划已成为领先的国家文学和写作研究中心。该计划还以其才华横溢的学生而著称——我们的许多天才 校友都出版了广受好评和获奖的书籍。 创意写作计划占据了同一格林威治村附近西 10 街的一座可爱的联排别墅,那里有很多作家——詹姆斯·...
不过NYU这个有点指向性,本身是film专业,学校强调creative,next-generation storyteller,还有招生官的访谈。综合起来,我偏向建议写fiction,去展现wild imagination。 我说wild,与逻辑并不冲突。拿科幻来举例,必须逻辑自恰。如果你说2099年地心引力降低90%,那要给出合理的理由,是受外星球影响呢,还是出现了什么科技?尽快地...
Specific NYU opportunities. I looked up various courses, events, and opportunities offered by different departments and mentioned a couple of them specifically (the Reading Studies program for creative writing, Cantonese classes, studying abroad in China). While I did mention a New York City thing(...
高二申请夏校的时候Caicai给我推荐了Emerson Creative Writing Program。老实说它一开始并不是我的第一选择,我更倾向于巴政的课程。但后来因为各种原因最后还是去了Emerson(爱默生学院)并收获颇丰。 我在那里上了三门课,Art of Fiction, Slam Poetry...
Here we will reenvision academic programsso that technology and creative disciplines can co-exist in the same physicalspace, while remaining in continuous contact with the full span of NYU'swell-established departments in Manhattan. 布鲁克林在过...
Creative Project: A creative project could be: a game you’ve made (digital or non-digital), a computer program you’ve written, a film you created, a piece of music, a creative writing sample, a portfolio of artwork, visual design, sculptures, photography or other creative pieces. We ar...
"Working at iD Tech meant giving back the amazing experience I had as a camper. iD Tech is a place of inclusivity and innovation, and there’s never a dull day with all the creative ideas that get shared around!" Most popular course topics ...
I think NYU Madrid is great, but be prepared for rigorous coursework, as well as the fact that the program is mostly NYU students. If you are from another school, put yourself out there in order to make friends because some people come with friends already. The staff is great and all ...
https://itp.nyu.edu/ima/curriculum/ima-program-structure/ IMA基础课程通过设计、技术和文化的视角向学生介绍计算媒体的基础知识。然后,他们将拥有基本技能、能力和灵活性,通过从协作游戏制作到批判性分析,从适应性设计到视觉和音频设计的专门元素的课程中的选修课来发现和追求自己的兴趣。
NYU’s Nutrition and Food Studies program offers multiple disciplines of food studies that I will apply to my aspirations as a vegetarian. I plan to study under Adjunct Faculty Kayleen St. John, whose success in the plant-based industry and her teaching of the ‘Foundations of Plant-Based ...