Liberal Studies is part of the Faculty ofArts & Science, which is the larger division of NYU that includes theGraduate School of Arts & Science (GSAS), College of Arts & Science(CAS) and Liberal Studies. 通识教育是艺术与科学学院的一...
At the same time, Michael also actively participated in the "extracurricular experiences" that the US universities value. "I mostly chose CCAs related to my major, such as joining the school's business competition team in...
Research Centers and Labs. Postdoctoral and Visitor Programs. Admissions and Financial Support. PhD in Atmosphere Ocean Science. MS in Scientific Computing. MS in Mathematics in Finance. CAS Online Placement Exams. Enrollment in Graduate Courses. Graduate Student Resource Pages. Courant Computing and Te...
当然Stern的和Tisch的另说,他们基本就是天龙人(尤其是Stern),和cas,steinhardt,gallatin和lps的就是两个世界,也很少交互往来。但是同时,大部分NYU的学生也都很自傲,因为在纽约十几所高校里,NYU确实可以吊打常春藤以下所有,而有些学院和专业甚至超过绝大多数常春藤。 反正社牛在NYU肯定如鱼得水,但对于社恐的真的不...
所以说,真心想四处交换或者在why NYU文书中表达出强烈意愿的NYU申请生会大概率被分配到Liberal Studies(前提是选择CAS,且在申请界面中勾选考虑Liberal Studies)。 更值得一提的是,我虽然申请的是CAS Econ,但是我没有提到任何有关专业方面的信息,现在看来真的非常本末倒置,能收到offer简直是个奇迹。 所以朋友们,...
At the same time, Michael also actively participated in the "extracurricular experiences" that the US universities value. "I mostly chose CCAs related to my major, such as joining the school's business competition team in Y12, where my teammates and I researched various economic events. I also...
当然Stern的和Tisch的另说,他们基本就是天龙人(尤其是Stern),和cas,steinhardt,gallatin和lps的就是两个世界,也很少交互往来。但是同时,大部分NYU的学生也都很自傲,因为在纽约十几所高校里,NYU确实可以吊打常春藤以下所有,而有些学院和专业甚至超过绝大多数常春藤。 反正社牛在NYU肯定如鱼得水,但对于社恐的真的不...