数学博士(PhD in Mathematics):毕业生可从事于软件工程师、生物统计师及工业工程师。所有录取的学生均有机会获得TA/RA或部分学费减免奖学金 注:数学博士项目目前已暂停。 专业设置 纽约大学理工学院数学系开设的研究领域有: 数学与应用超级计算(Mathematics and Applied Supercomputing) ...
Media, Culture, and Communication专业属于NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, 开设的项⽬有BS、MA、PhD in Media, Culture, and Communication. (图2:mcc的三种学位设置。此处特别强调⼀点,有PhD学位的项⽬是含⾦量的有⼒证明,并⾮所有项⽬都有能⼒同时开设三种学...
math.nyu.edu Home | Department of Mathematics | NYU Courant Research Centers and Labs. Postdoctoral and Visitor Programs. Admissions and Financial Support. PhD in Atmosphere Ocean Science. MS in Scientific Computing. MS in Mathematics in Finance. CAS Online Placement Exams. Enrollment in Graduate Co...
Job Opportunities after PhD Students are encouraged to work as teaching or graduate assistant in order to enhance their professional development and to supplement their stipend. The guidelines for the same are as follows- First-year students will not be able to work Students can work a maximum...
I got interested in that particular question because one of our former PHD students who is now at Texas A&M, asked me to give a lecture on that subject in honor of some anniversary of the universities. 我对这个问题也感兴趣,因为我们学校的一名博士毕业生,现在在德克萨斯农工大学,请我就这个话题...