LOL!! This hot-headed old man will be a hoot after a few years in the White House. I imagine his handlers will have to keep him away from the media the way they did Reagan. I can see it now. Cindy McCain throwing her voice like a ventriloquist. "we're doing all we can". HaHaH...
WIDOWHOODis defined as the state of being a widow who has not remarried. It is also defined as the time of a woman’s life when she is a widow. The wordWIKIhas no known definition. WINDis defined as raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help. It is also defined a...
white whiten whitening whiting whittle whiz whizz whizzing whoa whole whom whoop whooping whop whopping whorl whupping wick wide widen widened widening widget widow widowed widowhood width wield wielded wielding wienie wigged wigging wiggle wiggled wiggling wiggy wight wigwag wigwagging wigwam wiki wilco ...
BLONDEis defined as a light grayish yellow to near white. It is also defined as a person with fair skin and hair. It is also defined as being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes. BLOODis defined as a dissolute man in fashionable society. It is ...