(redirected from nystagmus test)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Robert Barany - Austrian physician who developed a rotational method for testing the middle ear (1876-1936) Barany Based on WordNet 3.0, ...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 positioning-nystagmus-test网络变位性眼震 网络释义 1. 变位性眼震 (2)变位性眼震(positioning nystagmus test)亦称良性阵发性位置性眼震或阵发性眼震。www.qqyy.com|基于5个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
翻译 positional nystagmus test [pəˈziʃənl nisˈtæɡməs test] 释义 [医]位置性眼球震颤试验 大小写变形:Positional nystagmus test 释义
head-rotation-nystagmus-test网络旋头眼震测试 网络释义 1. 旋头眼震测试 ...射(psychogalvanic reflex)、旋头眼震测试(head rotation nystagmus test)、脑电波(electroencephalogram)、视网膜电波(electr…blog.udn.com|基于1 个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
14.冷热震颤(Caloric nystagmus):将冷或热水灌入外耳道也可引起眼球震颤,此即冷热试验(Caloric test),正常人灌冷水于一耳,先引起双眼向同侧偏斜,随即向对侧发生眼球震颤;如灌以热水则恰相反,眼球震颤系向同侧。冷热试验结果的判读如下: a.管性麻痹(Canal paresis):半规管或第八神经受损,可引起该耳冷热试验产生...
Deitz JC, Siegner CB, Crowe T K The Southern California Post- rotary Nystagmus Test: test-retest reliability for preschool children. Occupational TherapyJournal of Research. 1981;1:165-1 77.Deitz, J. C. , Siegner, C. B. , & Crowe, T. K. ( 1981 ). The Southern California Post...
positional nystagmus test 专业医学词典 位置性眼球震颤试验 与"positional nystagmus test"相近的词条 ... positional clone positional cloning positional feedback stimulation trainer positional information positional nystagmus positional nystagmus test Positional nystagmus test with recording positional pseudoallele posi...
TheHorizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (HGN)is astandardized field sobriety test (FST)that police use to see if you areunder the influence of alcoholor have ablood alcohol content (BAC)of .08%. During theHGN test, police study your eyes as you follow a stimulus (usually a penlight) to the ...
The Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test: Test-Retest Reliability for Preschool Children Exposure to benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) can induce inflammatory skin diseases and skin cancer, which are both associated to oxidative stress. BaP is known to bind... JC Deitz,CB Siegner,TK Crowe - 《Ot...
G. : Optokinetic nystagmus : A test for parietal lobe lesions : A study of 31 anatomically verified cases. Am. J. Ophth. 48:187, 1959.Smith J. L., Cogan D. G. (1959). Optokinetic nystagmus: a test for parietal lobe lesions; a study of 31 anatomically verified cases. Am. J. ...