预计Heritage Wind项目还有望在建设和运营阶段促进当地创造就业机会、利用当地商业服务并进一步推动纽约可再生能源市场的发展。“Apex Clean Energy和NYSERDA为 Heritage Wind达成REC协议”最初由GlobalData旗下品牌Power Technology创建和发布。来源:世界能源
NYSERDA is planning on using these site nominations as part of its assessment process to find viable locations for prospective Build-Ready sites. On Tuesday, August 4 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET, NYSERDA will host a webinar on RFI-4464 and the submission process. ...
As part of a larger announcement made on July 21 regarding the development of renewables in New York State, which we explain in greater detail here and here, NYSERDA’s 2020 Offshore Wind Solicitation is now open. This is NYSERDA’s second offshore wind procurement. NYSERDA is seeking up ...
纽约州能源研究与发展局(NYSERDA):2025年先进核能技术考虑蓝图(英文版) 世界资源研究所:2025年美国学区校车电气化转型的公平性需求评估报告(英文版) RatedPower:2025年拉丁美洲如何通过绿色H2领先于净零的道路报告(英文版) RatedPower:2025年最大化太阳能效率通过最先进的贝丝技术报告(英文版) IRENA国际可再生能源机构...
Mechanical Technology Receives NYSERDA Award News April 29, 2002byJeff Shepard Mechanical Technology Inc.(Albany, NY) announced that its subsidiary,MTI MicroFuel Cells Inc.,has received an award of $500,000 from theNew York State Energy Research and Development Authority(NYSERDA). The award, match...
Current Programs/Funding Available PON 2301, EVSE Demonstration PON 1896, Clean Air School Bus Program PON 2290 Retail Biofuel Stations PON 2454 Biofuel Terminal Program Fleet Studies NYSERDA Programs Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentives No currently open solicitations, but should be released mid-June 201...
NYSERDA's Green Jobs-Green New York Program: Extending Energy Efficiency Financing To Underserved Households The New York legislature passed the Green Jobs-Green New York (GJGNY) Act in 2009. Administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Autho......
(SeeNews) - Mar 5, 2012 - The US arm of Portuguese Martifer Solar SA said today it had secured a USD-3-million (EUR 2.3m) grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), which it will use to expand its presence in the s