币界网报道:1月31日消息,美国证券交易委员会批准了纽约证券交易所 Arca 提出的规则变更申请,允许在其交易所上市并交易 Bitwise Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF 的股票。根据该提案,Bitwise Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF 将根据比特币和以太坊的市值比重持有现货比特币和现货以太坊。
1月31日消息,美国证券交易委员会批准了纽约证券交易所 Arca 提出的规则变更申请,允许在其交易所上市并交易 Bitwise Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF 的股票。根据该提案,Bitwise Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF 将根据比特币和以太坊的市值比重持有现货比特币和现货以太坊。
延长美股交易时间至每个工作日 22个小时 | 美国纽约证券交易所发布公告称,计划将旗下全电子化交易所NYSE Arca的美股交易时间延长至每个工作日22个小时,待监管批准后实施。纽交所介绍称,延长后的交易时间将从美国东部时间每天凌晨1点30分开始,一直持续到深夜23点30分。所有在美国上市的股票、ETF和封闭式交易基金都将...
First Trust FBT ETF (First Trust NYSE Arca Biotechnology ETF) : cours de l'action, performance, émetteur, durabilité, secteurs, informations commerciales., durabilité, secteurs, informations commerciales.
NYSE Arca将上市Bitwise比特币和以太坊ETF 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准NYSE Arca上市和交易Bitwise的比特币和以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF)股票。此次批准是在"加速基础"上进行的,标志着加密货币市场在监管环境中迈出了积极的一步。 SEC的决定符合《交易法》第6(b)(5)条的规定,该条要求交易所规则必须旨在防止欺诈和...
ETF Launch Monitor Active ETF Updates Error! An unexpected error has occurred! Error! An unexpected error has occurred! Error! An unexpected error has occurred! Error! An unexpected error has occurred! Error! An unexpected error has occurred! Error! An unexpected error has occurred!Cookie...
纽约证券交易所的子公司NYSE Arca采取了重要步骤,旨在将Grayscale的XRP Trust转换为现货交易所交易基金(ETF)。这一举措是通过提交19b-4文件启动的,表明正式提出了转换流程的提案。 根据文件,Coinbase Custody Trust Company, LLC将作为该基金的托管人,预计BNY Mellon Asset Servicing将担任管理人和转账代理。Grayscale...
The SEC has 45 days to approve, deny, or extend its review of the filing. If approved, the ETF would provide investors with a regulated avenue to gain exposure to ADA without directly holding the asset. Though regulatory hurdles remain, the move reflects the growing institutional interest in ...
Following the first Bitcoin ETF to trade on an exchange, Grayscale says it has filed to migrate its Bitcoin Trust to a spot Bitcoin ETF [exchange traded fund] in partnership with NYSE Arca. Grayscale has long messaged its goal of migrating its Trust to an… Read More X Facebook LinkedIn...
Learn everything you need to know about First Trust NYSE Arca Biotech ETF (FBT) and how it ranks compared to other funds. Research performance, expense ratio, holdings, and volatility to see if it's the right fund for you.