Nysa [ˈnaisə] 释义 <波兰语>=Neisse 大小写变形:NYSA
Nysa suggested the Portugal Golden Visa program as the best possible route since it leads ultimately to European citizenship and is the least expensive and time consuming of the various options. Approval in hand, I’m excited to start my European adventure.” Golden VisaPortugal “My family ...
Nysa 〈 兰语〉=Neisse 用户正在搜索 decan,decanal,decancellation,decane,decanedioic acid,decanedioyl,decanedron,decaner,decani,decanning, 相似单词 nypel,nyphimycin,Nyquist,Nyquist rate,Nyreg,NYSA,nysconitrine,nyscozid,NYSE,Nyssa, 英汉-汉英词典 ...
The meaning of NYSA is river 120 miles (193 kilometers) long in southwestern Poland flowing northeast into the Oder River.
Nysa英音: ['naisə] 美音: ['naisə] <波兰语>=Neisse 相关短语 Enkaswing (荷兰) 恩卡斯温聚氨基甲酸酯弹性纤维 Dien (荷兰) 迪恩聚丁二烯纤维 factor (苏格兰) 土地经管人 astoli canvas (爱尔兰) 车篷防水帆布 gabarage (爱尔兰) 打包用粗布 bung off (提单批语) 桶塞脱落 said to be (提单批语...
商标名称: NYSA 宁宇世奥 申请/注册号: 63288916 商标类型: 普通商标 是否共有商标: 否 商标申请日期: 2022-03-15 初审公告日期: 2022-08-13(1803期公告) 注册满三年日期: 2025-11-14 国际分类: 9类 科学仪器 商标状态: 已注册 商标形式: - 优先权日期: - 专用权期限: 2022-11-14 至 2032-11-13 ...
Nysa Nysaean Nymphs NYSE nystagmus nystatin nytril Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024How to use Nysa in a sentence Among the latter was Pythodorus, originally a native of Nysa; but, induced by the celebrity of the place, he...
Vayu - Nysa
商标名称 NYSA 宁宇世奥 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 63288916 申请日期 2022-03-15 申请人名称(中文) 江西宁宇世奥防爆科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 江西省九江市修水县工业园吴都项目区温州返乡创业园9号厂房 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1803 初...