My bedroom was festooned with tourist pennants from about every imaginable tourist attraction in Upstate New York. Souvenir plates, bumper stickers, tom-tom drums, View Master reels, felt elf hats with our first names stitched on the front. We all had these items. So, I have done the shopp...
Colored pencils and fabric patterns were then used to bring life to Fashion Plates, which were resurrected in 2014 by the toy company Kahootz. [Pictured: Kahootz Fashion Plates for sale on Amazon in 2019.] Moon Shoes Big Time Toys Moon Shoes Safety didn’t always come first with Moon Shoe...
The feast thus turning out a hoax, Strang proceeded to bring down the cloven tongues of fire, and for this purpose took three or four at a time to a room above, and performed the Mormon rite of washing their feet. He then anointed the crown of each head with mixture of oil and ...
"And can thee follow out the injunction of our bible, wherein it says "If they smite thee on one check turn the other?" "Surely I can." said Martin, at the same time turning his cheek up [towards Uncle Chade] in a meek manner. This was more than Chade could stand; there was ...