It says that a young man of fine abilities, an inventive genius who delighted to humbug people with his tricks and stories, was engaged as teacher in the school where Joe Smith was a pupil; that he wrote the Mormon Bible, and Joe committed some of the chapters to memory. That ...
which Japanese immigrants brought with them to Hawaii in the early 20th century. The traditional game's small ceramic pieces were soon replaced with image-stamped milk bottle caps as the game evolved, became pogs, and caught on in Hawaii. In 1991, a teacher made pogs famous after teaching...
The law was challenged and overruled, though, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Justice Reynolds, a teacher at Zion Parochial School who had been teaching German to a 10-year-old student, claiming it was an invasion of the 14th Amendment. [Pictured: Justices of the Supreme C...