Joseph Ferdinando is the visionary founder of Building Security Services, a leading security company renowned for its comprehensive security services. With an illustrious career spanning over 40 years in the security industry, Joseph has been instrumental in elevating the standards of security guard servi...
The automobile industry struggled throughout the 1980s, and one unlucky victim of this hardship was the DeLorean. Made iconic by its role in the “Back to the Future” franchise, the Delorean was already famous due to the lavish legacy of its founder, John Z. DeLorean. In October 1982,...
Online gambling is a multifaceted activity that combines the thrill of the game with the comfort of technology. At its core, it’s not just about the high stakes or potential rewards, but the psychological factors that drive us to place our bets. Let’s dive into the psyche of the online...
NYSIF has determined approximately 86% of its claimants have access to smart phones and expects this to help injured workers better manage their claims. Alacrity Acquires Cross Country Adjusting Alacrity Solutions Group, a property and casualty adjusting service based in Fishers, Indiana, has acquired...
OfficeofOperations2009FallConference KeyNYSWorkers’ CompensationOrganizations NYSInsuranceDepartment CompensationInsuranceRatingBoard NYSWorkers’CompensationBoard Insurers-InsuranceCarriers Self-Insurers GroupSelf-Insurers OfficeofOperations2009FallConference StrategyforEnforcing CompensationCompliance WCBInsuranceComplianceData...
- Source of wealth: Amazon, self made - Residence: Seattle, WA If you don't know his name, perhaps you'll know his company: Amazon. Amazon dominates internet sales, but wants to be known as more than a retail marketplace; from its purchase of Whole Foods to its numerous award-winning...
If there is one car where hot-rodding can point to its origins, it is the1932 Ford Roadster. Nicknamed “The “Deuce,”the car was popular because it looked cool and was inexpensive. Its optional flathead V8 made the car quicker than its rivals. Prior to the Roadster, the V8 was most...
American." Well, here they have one -- a description of the aboriginal character -- in all its native, wild and lofty grandeur -- powerful, warm, rich, glowing and animated from the hand of a master tho' they may be unwilling to acknowledge him as such... The "Last of the Mohican...
TBS celebrates May 4th with its tradition ofshowing Star Wars moviesall day (think Christmas Story on Christmas Eve). This year they are starting on Friday night beginning at 7:30 p.m. with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker They'll end May the 4th with a special Star Wars episode from...
progressive. Upon hearing this, Bowman laughed. “You know what’s hilarious,” Bowman asked. “When someone has to declare themselves as something, that means they’re not really that thing. Even when I talk about myself now I don’t even call ...