Brendan Michael Roche New York State Department of Tax and Finance, Office of Counsel W.A. Harriman Campus, Bldg. 9, Rm. 100, Albany, NY 12227-0001 2017 Jennifer Lynn Yates 326 Girard Ave, East Aurora, NY 14052-1306 2015 Rachel Michelle Burroughs Schnitter Ciccarelli Mills 8685 Sheridan Dr...
4.FederalTaxID#: B.Doctor'sInformation TheTaxID#isthe(checkone): ZipCodeState City NumberandStreet Usethisformtoreportcontinuingservices.(Toreportthefirsttimeyoutreatedthepatient,useFormC-4.Toreportpermanent impairment,useFormC-4.3.) Doctor'sProgressReport ...