例如,若您已经在线填写过机动车辆管理署(DMV)信息,则您可能已经拥有NY.gov账户。 注意:若您通过其中一个NYS License Center(纽约州执照中心)链接创建账户,您的开户流程将从“NY.govSelf Registration”(自助注册)页面开始。本指南将为您演示通过MY NY.gov(我的纽约政府)注册账户的完整步骤。 在My NY.gov(我的...
Once the Department of Licensing Services reviews the application and receives a clean background check from the fingerprints, they issue the registration card. The ID card includes the name and business address of the licensee and the word “employee” before the employee’s full name and regist...