NYS Health Dept. leases courthouse center spaceNick Anastasi
“Last week’s revelation that the White House blocked a Department of Health and Human Services plan to utilize the U.S. Postal Service to ship five life-saving masks to every household in the country, free of charge, in April was heartbreaking. Imagine the lives that could have been sav...
period were obtained from t h e NYS Health Dept. and local agencies: % males and females who had a c c i d e n t s while d r i v i n g (MVA); preg- nancies in 2 age groups under 17 and 17-19, and youth ages 16-20 a r r e s t e d f o r f e l o n i ...
NYS Dept. of Health revises proxy formReports that the New York State Department of Health has revised its standard health care proxy form to accommodate organ donation provisions in the state.Rosamaria Manci...