The New York State Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS or Department) advocates on behalf of New York’s Veterans and their families, as individuals and as a g…
In terms of funding, the OASAS guidance instructs providers to maintain records of all expenses related to COVID-19, and states that the agency will reimburse provides for all reasonable costs incurred. Additionally: All current recoupment and normal annual reconciliation withholds are being temporari...
The NYS security license expires every two years. At least 60 days before the card is set to expire, the NYS security guard license department mails out notices of renewal and the renewal form. The DOS-1246 Security Guard Renewal application is not available online, so if a security guard d...
The Expatriation Act was passed in March of 1907 with a number of impositions, including stipulations that if a woman lived abroad for more than two years or was married to a man who wasn't eligible for citizenship, she could be revoked of her status. The Cable Act of 1922also known as...
We had not been seated more than half an hour when his mother entered the room, and informed us that in the next apartment there were some very interesting ancient records which she would be glad to show us. We accepted her invitation, when we were introduced to some half a dozen ...
In December of 2022, the New York State Thruway’s board of directors began the process of laying out a plan in which tolls would increase on New York roadways over the course of two different years – 2024 and 2027.Commuters raised concerns about tolls going up but the roadways still ...
ripped from the ground. The coasts of North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland were affected by considerable storm surge. In Washington D.C. tidal flooding records were exceeded. Seven other states were subjected to Isabel's fury as wind damage and 4 to 12 inches of rain pounded the East ...