Cindy's Albany DayCare is NYS Certified and located in Colonie. Safe and secure home care for infants to toddlers.
Attorney NameCompany NameAddressYear Admitted Elias Abdou Farah The Farah Firm, PLLC 3620 Harlem Rd Ste 11, Buffalo, NY 14215-2042 2017 Brendan Michael Roche New York State Department of Tax and Finance, Office of Counsel W.A. Harriman Campus, Bldg. 9, Rm. 100, Albany, NY 12227-0001 201...
Once the Department of Licensing Services reviews the application and receives a clean background check from the fingerprints, they issue the registration card. The ID card includes the name and business address of the licensee and the word “employee” before the employee’s full name and regist...
Notably, any program providing ongoing support is directed to keep a record of the services delivered via telehealth as well as any costs associated with these services. Any programs with extra physical space are instructed to reserve the space to address the needs of individuals in residential or...
Campbell the "adopted daughter of Dr. William Campbell, of Cherry Valley" ("Centennial Address, Delivered at Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N.Y., July 4th, 1840.) Her name appears to have been Elizabeth. Note 3: In his 1878 book, The History of Otsego County, 1740-1878, Duane ...
The Department of Labor will issue a competitive Request for Proposals and work with New York State’s ten Regional Economic Development Councils to identify industry-driven programs that either train job seekers to meet current local employment needs or are designed to address future economic and ...
Sample Letter of Interest Patricia A. Bubniak NYS Tobacco Control Program NYS Department of Health ESP Corning Tower Room 710 Albany, NY 12237 Re: RFP # ___ Dear Ms. Bubniak: This letter is to indicate our intent to submit a proposal for the above Request for Proposals (RFP) and ...
Plummer Wigger is your Lobbyist and Government Relations Firm in Albany NY. For Public Affairs, Lobbying, Legislative Consultant Services you need the best Law
The town of Colonie will be getting another dispensary on one of the busiest roadways in the Capital Region. A New York State cannabis dispensary will be replacing a fast food restaurant that has been vacant since January of 2023.