College tuition along with fees and associated expenses have always been a huge investment, and has obviously become even more costly over the years, with just about everything else in the world these days. A program that breaks down cost barriers, enabling New York State residents to expand t...
College tuition along with fees and associated expenses have always been a huge investment, and has obviously become even more costly over the years, with just about everything else in the world these days. A program that breaks down cost barriers, enabling New York State residents to expand t...
College tuition along with fees and associated expenses have always been a huge investment, and has obviously become even more costly over the years, with just about everything else in the world these days. A program that breaks down cost barriers, enabling New York State residents to expand ...
Students in the library at Stony Brook University.Credit: Morgan Campbell ByThe Editorial BoardMarch 17, 2024 For a half-century, the Tuition Assistance Plan, known simply as “TAP” to countless Long Island parents and students, has been New York's great gift to those pursuing higher educatio...