实验六 基于MATLAB控制系统的Nyquist图及其稳定性分析 一、 实验目的 1、 熟练掌握使用 MATLAB命令绘制控制系统 Nyquist图的方法。 2、 能够分析控制系统 Nyquist图的基本规律。 3、 加深理解控制系统乃奎斯特稳定性判据的实际应用。 4、 学会利用奈氏图设计控制系统。
4.5.2 Nyquist frequency The frequency of π radian/(sampling interval) is known as the Nyquist frequency. If the length of the sampling interval is A seconds the Nyquist frequency is π radians/second or equivalently 1/(2Δ) Hz. Frequencies which are higher than the Nyquist frequency will, ...
Now it has the same value as that of the earlier case, where the maximum frequency for the THD computation is selected as Nyquist frequency. Now the plot also has an x-axis up to 50000Hz. In normal FFT analysis, the plots shown by MATLAB were a little conf...
MATLAB 代码 clc; clear; close all; wn = 2*pi*10; % Natural Frequency T = (10*2*pi + pi/3)/wn; % Time delay K1 = 50; % High Stiffness K2 = 20; % Low Stiffness zeta = 0.5e-2; % Damping ratio w = linspace(0.3*wn, 2*wn, 1e4); % Analysis frequency bandwidth G1 =1...
Why is the Nyquist frequncy on the bode diagrams... Learn more about discrete systems, nyquist frequency MATLAB
"The Nyquist frequency is often called the folding frequency or cut-off frequency" 4. ^ Michael J. Roberts (2004). Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB . McGraw- Hill Professional. ISBN 0072499427. 5. ^ Uwe Windhorst and Håkan Johansson (1999). Modern Techniques...
() 20 lg T 33 T 典型环节的Bode图 Matlab仿真结果 Bode Diagram 0 -5 s=tf(s); ) B d ( -10 e g=1/(s+1); d u t i n -15 g a bode(g,{0.1 10}) M -20 grid on -25 0 ) g e d ( e -45 s a h P -90 -1 0 1 10 10 10 Frequency (rad/sec) ...
采样定理的提出者不是Nyquist而是Shannon, Nyquist定理/频率是用来描述给定带宽的最高传输速率。因为结果...
但随着采样点N的增大, frequency bin的数目在不断增大, 我们可以推断此时每个frequency bin分到的噪声功率也在不断减小, 否则总噪声功率不能维持不变. 从另一个角度来看, 随着N的增大, 矩形窗的Dirichlet form的峰值也在不断增大(峰值等于N), 归一化使得其他frequency bin中的分量都被除以N(对单频正弦信号来说...
Frequency and phase responses for Example 7.16. Program 7.11. MATLAB program for Example 7.16. %Figure 7.36(Example 7.16) % MATLAB program to create Figure 7.36 % fs=8000; f=[ 0 0.15 0.25 0.4 0.5 1]; % Edge frequencies m=[ 0 0 1 1 0 0]; % Ideal magnitudes w=[ 39 10 39 ]; ...