纽约市警察局学校保卫处(New York City Police Department School Safety Division,下文简称SSD),隶属纽约市警察局·社区事务局。SSD是纽约市乃至全美最大的校园类安保机构,由大约5000名校园安全警察和200名常规警察组成。 虽然SSD是NYPD的一个下属机构,与常规警察不同,SSD下的警官被称为“School Safety Agent”;其使...
School Safety Agent (在職員工) - New York, NY - 2023年5月31日 What is the best part of working at the company?This job give you the opportunity to help children, whether their are sick or just need a different direction. Resolving crisis in and around the building. What is the most ...
School Safety Agent (在职员工) - New York, NY - 2020年3月26日 Working for New York Police Department School Safety has been a great experience for me, being a role model for the students in the school and the Families, also being able to help in the community where families do not sp...
School Safety Agent (离职员工) - Bronx, NY - 2013年1月12日 the kids and parents were rough at times but i enjoyed the job!I had a good team of co-workers who communicated well, we actually had fun at work. lots of overtime and various locations, roles to work in.kids and parenst...
School Safety Agent(離職員工)-Brooklyn, NY-2024年11月20日 Tedious work, but offered great benefits. Miss the children and the benefits. Its better than any job I've ever worked in. Id definitely go back in a heartbeat. 優點 Benefites ...
NYPD school safety improvements News / Dec 8, 2023 / 08:25 AM EST New York City is hiring more than 100 new school safety agents following several slashings at city schools. NYPD Inspector Kevin Taylor, the commanding officer of the school safety division, talks about measures being taken to...
School Safety vehicles are either dark blue with white decals or white with light blue decals.学校保卫处人员的制服除衬衫是浅蓝色外(警察为深蓝色),与警察制服一致。与警察警徽不同点是校警警徽为椭圆型,最上面是鹰的图案。校警警务车为深蓝色底色或白色底色的巡逻车涂装。 本楼含有高级字体5楼2013-05-11...
School Safety Agent Roniece Watson also died of the virus Monday, and Traffic Enforcement Agent Karisma Dargan died Wednesday. More than 1,350 officers and roughly 170 civilian members have tested positive forCOVID-19. It is with a heavy heart that we announce another member of our family has...
纽约市警察局学校保卫处(New York City Police Department School Safety Division,下文简称SSD),隶属纽约市警察局·社区事务局。SSD是纽约市乃至全美最大的校园类安保机构,由大约5000名校园安全警察和200名常规警察组成。 虽然SSD是NYPD的一个下属机构,与常规警察不同,SSD下的警官被称为“School Safety Agent”;其使...