Assistant Chief (助理局长)警徽为金蓝色,无警号,徽章为两颗星。助理局长担任8大区域的总指挥官,包括(Bronx,Manhattan North,Manhattan South,Queens North,Queens South,Brooklyn North,Brooklyn South和Staten Island) Bureau Chief (分区局长)警徽为金蓝色,无警号,徽章为三颗星。担任特大部门的主要领导,比如训练部门...
Caban most recently served as the adjutant of Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, where he oversaw a number of programs and was promoted to inspector in 2015. Although Corey most recently worked in Staten Island, he grew up in Brooklyn and graduated from Xaverian High School in Bay Ridge. “Inspec...
Be prepared: We’ll be encountering broken pavement, sometimes heavy truck traffic, and experiencing a virtual urban desert as we move through the concrete devastations of North Brooklyn. Dress and pack appropriately for hiking, closed toe shoes are highly recommended- as are a hat or parasol to...