#绿色视野# 荇菜(Nymphoides peltata (S. G. Gmelin) Kuntze)为荇菜科荇菜属多年生浮生草本植物。茎圆柱形,多分枝,上部叶对生,下部叶互生,叶片飘浮,近革质,圆形或卵圆形,下面紫褐色,叶柄圆柱形,花常多...
施娴,陈开宁,黄蔚,等.不同温度培养下莕菜(Nymphoides peltata) 生长与光合作用特征[J].湖泊科学,2013,25(4):545-550.不同温度培养下莕菜(Nymphoides peltata)生长与光合作用特征[J]. 施娴,陈开宁,黄蔚,杨鑫.湖泊科学. 2013(04)施娴,陈开宁,黄蔚,等. 不同温度培养下莕菜( Nymphoides peltata) 生长与光合...
不同温度培养下蕃菜(Nymphoides peltata)生长与光合作用特征
3)Comm.Nymphoides peltata荇菜群落 4)Lepidium独荇菜属 1.Taxonomic position of Maca in Lepidium in China;玛咖在中国独荇菜属中的定位 5)Houtian-Baixing area后田-白荇地区 6)The floatingheart growing in the sludge软泥上的青荇, 延伸阅读 荇菜荇菜介绍 荇菜 (Nymphoides peltatm)科属: 荇菜科 别名: 形...
1) Comm.Nymphoides peltata 荇菜群落2) Nymphoides peltatum 荇菜 1. Technology of in Vitro Propagation of Nymphoides peltatum; 荇菜离体快繁技术的研究 2. Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Resistance of Nymphoides peltatum to Hg~(2+) Stress; 外源亚精胺对荇菜抗Hg~(2+)胁迫能力的影响 3. ...
照片 关于 Fringed水百合Nymphoides peltata的密集的浮动淡水植被. 图片 包括有 特写镜头, 植被, 水生 - 124662549
Safe sites for establishment of Nymphoides peltata seedlings for recovering the population from the soil seed bank. Ecological Research 20, 661-667.Takagawa, S., Nishihiro, J. & Washitani, I. Safe sites for establishment of Nymphoides peltata seedlings for recovering the population from the soil...
The young developing leaves in the buds of Nymphoides peltata are covered by a hyaline mucilage. The mucilage contains free sugars, polysaccharides and proteins. The most abundant monosaccharides of the polysaccharide fraction are arabinose and galactose. Therefore, the major component of the mucilage ...
#清晨说早安##每日一花# 荇菜Nymphoides peltata睡菜科(荇菜属。《中国植物志》中名为莕菜,归龙胆科。多年生水生草本植物。茎圆柱形,多分枝,密生褐色斑点;上部叶对生,下部叶互生,叶片飘浮,近革质,圆形...