4T主要生产厂家是荷兰的DSM;6T是杜邦的专利,有Zytel HTN系列;比利时Solvay;瑞士EMS的Grivory HT2;9T是日本可乐丽的专利,比起6T它的玻化温度更高,加工温度较低,物理性能也得到很大提升;10T是EMS的专利,本身无卤,加上国内的金发,一共就两家能生产10T,它是用天然蓖麻油提炼而成,价钱比9T...
英文名:Polyamide9T or Nylon9T;简称PA9T。尼龙-9T,又称聚酰胺-9T,即聚对苯二甲酰壬二胺。 其突出的特点是:吸水性小,吸水率为0.17%;耐热性好(熔点为308℃,玻璃化温度为126℃),其焊接温度高达290℃。主要用于电子、电器、信息设备和汽车部件。 十一、尼龙10T(PA10T) 英文名:Polyamide10T or Nylon10T;简...
9.尼龙-6T(PA-6T)尼龙-6T,又称聚酰胺-6T,即聚对苯二甲酰己二胺。其突出的特点是耐高温(熔点为370℃,玻璃化温度为180℃,可在200℃下长期使用),高强度、尺寸稳定,耐焊接性好。主要用于汽车部件,油泵盖、空气滤清器,耐热电器部件如电线束接线板、熔断器等。 10.尼龙-9T(PA-9T)尼龙-9T,又称聚酰胺-9T...
The amide I and II bands of pure PPTA are located at 1655 and 1552cm-t, respec- tively, while those of nylon 6 are 1643 and 1548 cm -1, respectively. Figure 5 shows the IR absorption curves around the amides I and II with the parameters being the NjP ratios of 10/0, 9/1, 7...
免费查询更多nylon 9t 耐温详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
Product name:monofilament nylon mesh food grade;Color:White;Shape:Customers' Request;Mesh count:6T-165T (15mesh~420 Mesh/inch);Weave style:Plain Woven Nylon Mesh;Mesh Opening:25-1300um filter mesh;Sample:Avaliable Sample;Application:Kinds Filtration Indu
This assign- ment of the 0 relaxation is supported by a dielectric loss measurement made by Boyel.7 Thus, the relaxa- tion behavior of nylon 66 or 6 seems to have been set- tled already. However, when dealing with the effect of water in the polymer, all authors have ignored the pos...
区别:耐性不同 1、PVC可分为软PVC和硬PVC。软PVC容易变脆,不易保存。硬PVC不含柔软剂,因此柔韧性好,易成型,不易脆,无毒无污染,保存时间长。2、PU管具有极好的耐高压,抗振动,耐腐蚀,耐磨损,耐气候,耐曲折性能,轻便;3、PE管器械性不如钢管,施工中特别的注意热力供暖的安全间距,并且不能...
GRS认证recycled nylon fabric 环保再生尼龙272T斜纹布夹克面料 一件代发7天包换48小时发货 ¥13.3月销1米 苏州夏布朗纺织科技有限公司10年 近3个月价格 70D尼龙斜点 110g春夏季梭织风衣冲锋衣外套服装布料 现货批发 包邮 ¥12.75月销1码 广州市吉盛纺织有限公司1年 ...
However, it turned out that in spite of the different viscosities with the F/C compositions, the solutions with concen- trations less than 5 g/100 ml have disadvantage to produce gel films and the resultant dry gels Polymer J., Vol. 20, No. 11, 1988 971 M. MATSUO and K. INABA are...